Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Term 2 Computing Science Evidence

For this module I have been learning many new things. I have been finding some of these quite challenging. One of the areas that I found interesting is the binary relations. Below are some screen shots of one of the questions from the tutorial and the answer which I made for it.
The Question
My Answer

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Term 2 Hardware and Networks Evidence

In this module, we have moved on from the hardware side and started on the networks side. I find this area very intresting and I do not struggle within this area. I also already know most of the concepts that are taught within this as I have previously learnt these in college to a destinction level. Below is a screenshot of some of the basic work which I have been doing for this area of my course.
A Screenshot of Work Regarding Message Communations And Their Features

Term 2 Project 1 Evidence

I have been working as part of a group to create an android application. For this we have decided to create a unit convertor. We have all been assigned tasks within this, of which we have all decided upon. One of the main things that i was required to do for this was to code the layout for the device within eclipse. below is a screenshot of some of this code, that makes a Tab layout for the application.

Some Of The Code I Created In Order To Create A Layout

Term 2 Programming Evidence

There have been a fair few things which I have been learning within this module. The main thing is moving on from using BlueJ to programme in java, to using eclipse. I did not find this hard to do as I found out that the only real difference between the two is that you are required to make a start up class in order to run your code and enter your data, which is a simple task. i have provided this information in my evidence for eclipse, which I have also linked on my PDP. Below however is a screenshot of some basic code that is used in order to create the MP3 class of the Dome Project, which I added in order to allow me to place another type of item to the database.
Some of The MP3 Code

Term 2 Modelling Evidence

I have been learning to do a few new things within the Modelling area of my Software Design and Development Module. The main thing that I have been learning to use is a plug in for Eclipse known as Jigloo. This allows the user to add a variety of objects onto a GUI editor. By using this I am able to create applications with ease, as these objects are pre coded, meaning that all I am required to do is code them to do the function that I want them to do, instead of coding the basics to make them work. I will be using this in order to create my second assignment for this module.
Some Basic Code That Creates A Counter
The GUI Counter Button
The GUI Counter Button After It Has Been Clicked, Increases By 1 Each Click

Term 2 Studio 1 Evidence

I have been learning about programming within Android for in term 2. Within this i have beel elarning how to create layouts, add features like different screens, text, buttons and more to the application as well as make it so that it can run on an android phone. Below are some screenshots of some of the basic work that I have done within my studio 1 sessions.
The Code To Create A Basic Layout and Add A Button
Some Basic Text And A Button In The Device AVD

Term 2 Linux File Handelling

I have found that in term 2 I have been able to understand a bit more about the file layouts within linux and how they interact with each other. I have not gained a lot more knowledge within this area however so it is somthing that I aim to improve.

The Linux File System